Development of main designs for replacement of signalling/interlocking devices in 5 railway stations from Podgorica to Bar

Project title Development of main designs for replacement of signalling/interlocking devices in 5 railway stations on the railway line from Podgorica to Bar(stations: Golubovci, Zeta, Virpazar, Sutomore and Bar) WB16-MNE-TRA-01- Grant code
Project description The goal of the project is :    
  • to improve the signaling and safety system on the railway line Podgorica - Bar;
  • to increase the maximum capacity of trains through the reconstruction of the stations,
  • to increase the operational speed of the railway line to the originally projected speed (80 km / h) and reduce travel time;
  • to reduce the costs of traffic management and improve the quality of service management and maintenance of public infrastructure by centralized management and control of device;
  • to integrate the management and control of the railway line Podgorica – into the central traffic management system in Podgorica;
  • to improve operational safety and reliability, availability and sustainability of the device and reduce the cost of equipment maintenance;
  • to enable central management and control of the operation of security systems;
  • to ensure greater system availability by installing modern systems for primary and backup power supplies;
  • to enable future upgrade of the ERTMS / ETCS traffic management system without additional software and hardware.
  • Funding source Grant- WBIF (Western Balkans Investment Framework ); Creditor/Lead IFI – EIB (European Investment Bank)
    Estimated value for development of main design EUR 1,500,000.00
    Current Status Terms of Reference for development of main design has been harmonised and approved by WBIF. Project implementation has begun and project team has been obilised. Project implementation period shall be 12 months