Concrete bridges inspection and development of main designs for priority rehabilittaion

Project title Concret bridges inspection and development of main designs for priority rehabilitation
(grant aplikacija: WB10-MNE-TRA-01 (prva faza)) i
(grant aplikacija: WB14-MNE-TRA-01 (druga faza))
Project description There are a total of 107 bridges on the Vrbnica - Bar railway line, of which there are a total of 16 steel and 91 concrete bridges. Due to the lack of maintenance of bridges in the last 40 years as well as the lack of knowledge of the condition of concrete bridges after 40 years of exploitation, a detailed visual overview of bridges has been made and a detailed report on the status of each bridge has been prepared, which among other things contains the recommended measures from the aspect of extension of durability and functionality, as well as urgent measures. A detailed visual inspection of all concrete bridges with the preparation of the Report on their condition and all preparatory work was carried out in the period from September 2014 to September 2015. (first phase of the project).
The second phase of this project is under way, and it includes the Development of Main Projects for the Reconstruction of the concrete structure according to the priorities for rehabilitation, which are defined in the Report on the status of bridges.
Funding source WBIF donation
Contractor COWI IPF
Contract value EUR 3,000,000.00
Commencement of project implementation II quarter 2014
Planned work completion III quarter 2018
Current status Preparation of tender for rehabilitation works of 24 concrete bridges and sending of draft for Bank non-objection and launching is in progress.