Special tunnel inspection and development of main designs for priority rehabilitation

Project title Special inspection of 106 tunnels and development of main designs for priority rehabilitation (grant application: WB13-MNE-TRA-01)
Project description There are 106 tunnels in a total length of 52 km on the railway line Vrbnica – Bar. Due to the poor condition of the tunnel, the high priority is to develop a study on the condition of all tunnels, the main projects for their rehabilitation and to perform remediation works on the most important tunnels. The tunnel inspection is for the first time carried out by cutting-edge methods such as CPV and thermal capture of the inside of the tunnel.
The works to be performed are: CPV, photo and thermo-graphic recording of interior tunnels and galleries with mobile instruments; an inspection of the lower part (slabs below the crushed stone) of tunnels and galleries; testing of concrete (destructive methods) of tunnels and galleries; geological mapping (mapping) and sampling of rocks; detailed visual inspection of tunnels and galleries in order to determine the condition of the structural elements with all necessary research works. This should show a prioritization plan for tunnel rehabilitation investments in the next 10 years.
Funding source WBIF donation
Contractor COWI IPF
Contract value EUR 2,500,000.00
(EUR 1,000,000.00 for tunnel inspection and EUR 1,500,000.00 for development of main design
Project implementation commencement II quarter 2016
Current status ToR for development of main designs is harmonized and approved by WBIF. Mobilization of team for project implementation is in progress . Project implementation period shall be 24 months.