Rehabilitation of 6 large slopes on the railway line section Lutovo-Bratonožići

Project description Based on the Contract signed between Investor, "Railway Infrastructure of Montenegro JSC. - Podgorica" and Contractor, JV "Euro-Asphalt, GIP Construction and Makspro" for the reconstruction of 6 large slopes on the railway line "Vrbnica - Bar", the main design for the reconstruction of the slopes is made.
The reconstruction of critical parts of the railway line (slopes and the construction of galleries or some other protective structures) is planned on the section Lutovo - Bratonožići railway line. The main activities will be stabilization and securing the track against rockfalls, avalanches and landslides.
The following results are expected: field stabilization, increased safety in traffic and higher train speeds.
This project execution is expected to reduce the number of interruptions in the railway traffic due to landslides, increase the level of traffic safety and smooth traffic flow according to the planned Timetable.
Activity: Development of the Main Design, Execution of Works and Supervision The overall goal of the project is rehabilitation of the main railway line Vrbnica - Bar by remediation of critical parts of the railway line (rehabilitation of slopes and construction of galleries or some other protective facilities). The main activities will be to stabilize and secure the track from landfalls, avalanches and landslides. The following results are expected: field stabilization, increased safety in traffic and higher train speeds.
The implementation of this project is expected to prepare measures aimed at reducing the number of interruptions of rail traffic through landslides, increasing the level of traffic safety and smooth traffic flow according to the planned timetable.
Funding source EIB–European Investment Bank(50%) + WBIF–Western Balkans Investment Framework(50%)
Contractor Euro-Asfalt d.o.o. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina with partners: GIP Konstruktor d.o.o., Belgrade, Serbia and Makspro d.o.o. Belgrade, Serbia
Supervision IRD Engineering s.r.l, Italy with partners: SWS Engineering S.p.A, Italia; Građevinski nadzor i labaratorijska ispitivanja a.d. Crna Gora; RAIng d.o.o. Podgorica, Crna Gora
Work contract value EUR 4,287,200.62 VAT excluded
Supervision contract value EUR 620,000.00 VAT excluded
Project implementation commencement IV quarter l 2017
Deadline for work completion III quarter 2019
Current status Completion and revision of complete project documentation has been completed. Construction of main construction works on all 6 slopes is in progress.